Thursday, July 29, 2010


Here is the first set of requested Gijinka's of random ugly objects.

HDTV + VCR; HD is quite a sleek and beautiful person, but she's willing to go to the slums and have some fun with other workers down at the bottom of the social ladder. She will often 'play' with such as VCR, who is dirty and scarred, but nonetheless gets the job done.

Alarm Clock; A young girl 'made in China' who is loud and boisterous, though more often then not is just patted on the head and ignored. She at this point rarely even speaks, probably at most once or twice a day.


PunchMe said...

p;rwujgbnlkg h
I made one Leppy! ;a;
it's Syl btw otlotlotl

kogane said...

Why do you have such a self abusive username? TAT I'm so glad you're here though. :>

PunchMe said...

how do i follow you girl? ;^;

Andres said...

I think the alarm clock is SEXY, who would have guessed it would come out like this!?
I bet every man would want to buy an alarm clock after seeing that design! It's AWESOME. Well, even I would want one. It's easier waking up to a person...but I dunno, she might be annoying lol because she IS an alarm after all.