Sunday, August 1, 2010


Figures that I'd be working on commissions when I ought to be doing the leadership battle. D: Still sick... But I can't seem to sleep in my bed anymore. But I'm not allowed to get anyone else sicks so I can't go off and go into my brother's bed. ;A;

. Gosh, I have such a boring life.


PunchMe said...

It feels like I haven't talked with you in a while and it's sad to know that you're still ill. I can only hope that you'll get better soon..but ya~ don't worry about the CMC thing, you'd probably be further ahead than me otl and you're juggling two fights aren't you so that must be really difficult >>

Sharifah said...


lol, I don't know if you know who I am. I hope you'll get better soon, though. D: My mom said that ginger's good for treating colds.

Unless of course- you're not having a cold. orz

Andres said...

EEk still sick?? Man, what have you tried taking?? It sounds like a real pain in the rear end though OTL
don't get stressed about the tournament thing though, you'll only get more sick if you keep stressin about it!!

kogane said...

@Syl: I wish I could talk to you more too. ;A; It's odd how it's only been a handful of days yet it seems so much longer. Though I'm still stuck on Canus and I think I'll simplify Plain's and cut a LOT from what I was planning so that I could make deadlines. >:

@Sari: I have a bad history with ginger, lol. Though thank you for the wishes. :>

@Andi: How long does it take you to get cured from a cold? Though I looked back and figured that I don't really try to get better. /always slept at 1am even during cold period.